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Archaic Recollection: Zero – “The Blind Seeress”

(This Archaic Recollection was written through the point of view of Willa Ataraxia, The Blind Seeress of VenusLink.)

“Here I stand, at the end of time. I lay upon a world which no longer cares for itself, a world whose people know their time is near.”

“They all know that we are at a turning point in Human History: The Dawn of Another Cleansing. They want to welcome their new Overlords in the most self-degrading way possible: submission…”

“At such a critical point in history, one would think that they’d all try and give it their all to mend their wrongs, but alas, it’s far worse than expected… Greed, Envy, Lust, Pride, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth, the princes are all amok in the world, spreading pandemonium’s poisons with every step they take…”

“I have never seen a species so determined to commit suicide at such a massive scale… It’s demential how they seek out their own destruction… just like the phrase “Hell is other people.” says…”

“Me, myself & I, a singular entity amongst the mass of other  entities whose likeness and actions show their association to the swine which ruined the world.”

“Within this dying and decaying body of mine, comprised of organic materials which deteriorate with every waking moment, I cry out a silent prayer of help to the gods that so rightfully abandoned us…-“

“in their position, I would have turned my back too.”

“Imagine trying to help an entire species for eons, just for them to not want your help, and on top of that: to dare try and bite the divine hand which fed Humanity the wisdom and resources it needed to survive primevality…”

“After they all left, the world plunged into Darkness yet again, and society collapsed on itself just as it always did, an entire planet filled to the brim with an endless ocean of suffering… I can feel myself swimming in this ocean, this energetic ocean of pain, regret, loneliness, abandonment…”

“When I look at them, I am reminded of why I’m still sane: I force myself to see, while they force themselves to not see. How they LIKE to writhe around in the grime and garbage they find themselves in…”

“The blissful ignorance which is not knowing – a hedonistic and degrading way of killing oneself, barring oneself to the infinities of The Original Spirit…”

“Entire movements and revolutions come and gone, in the blink of an eye; Those who tried and gave it their all, squashed and defeated by those who stole the world.”

“To you, The Heiress of the New World, I leave these memories; Memories of a time in which the world became an inferno once again.”

“For cycles of various Millennia, we have been stuck within the clutches of The Usurper, the one who stole it all, the one who tricked us all…”

“Time and time again, we always do the same thing, expecting a different result, when various empires across history have clearly shown the requirements and necessities of large-scale human societies… And the very few times we’ve managed to make some form of progress, we never let ourselves win…”

“Mankind’s enemy, is Mankind itself. Alongside Mankind’s Greatest enemy, The Usurper, He who helped them steal the world.”

– Willa Ataraxia, The Blind Seeress.