Hey guys, I'm back with another Archaic Recollection! This blogpost is a bit late in minutes, as the entry was uploaded on my website on the 26th of November, but it's all up for you to see for free, so […]
Hey guys, I'm back! And I've finally brought some new content! I just posted a new entry to the #ArchaicRecollections on my website, you can read it for free (all the archaic recollections are free to read forever
Hey guys! It’s me, Ethan yet again! I’ve (mostly) finished renovating my website and is now available for viewing! There’s still quite a few things that are missing but I wanted to get things up and running as quickly as […]
Hey guys! I’ve been receiving a lot of positive feedback from you all in regards to my website and writings, and I’m proud to announce that I am giving the entire website a makeover! I’m working very hard to add […]
Okay everyone! If anyone’s seen the previous blogpost about more content coming soon, I have to let you know that I’ve deleted it and chose to replace it with this one. More content will be coming eventually, but I’ve run […]